Job Expired



Yonab Construction

Addis Ababa

2 years - 4 years

4 Positions




Required Skills
Required skills have not yet been specified for this position this job
Fields of study

Purchase & supply management

Full Time


Job Description

  • Purchaser Evaluate bids for materials, equipment, and supplies, and select vendors for goods and services. Develop new vendor relationships to meet supply chain needs. Reverse engineer specifications and estimate prices. Develop and implement business strategies for maximizing profitability.

Job Requirement

  • Academic Qualification: BA Degree or Diploma Purchasing and Supply Management or related fields

  • General Experience: 2/4 years of experience in construction equipment, Machinery & Trucks  spare parts

Req.No: 4

Remark: For Head Office (only female)

How to Apply

Female applicants could be encouraged

Submit your CV along with your relevant documents in person to Yonab Construction, located around Urael Church 150 Meter to Atlas Road, Awash Insurance Building, Human Resource Management Department. For further information Contact Tel. +251115620087 or through post P.O Box 101125  Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Fields Of Study

Purchase & supply management