Job Expired
Abbahawa Trading PLC
Addis Ababa
6 years - 8 years
1 Position
Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Full Time
Job Description
A Procurement Manager sources products and services for a company. They create a buying strategy that takes into account the company budget and necessary supplies and then they find matching vendors. Their day includes meetings with superiors, like the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) or the Chief Operating Officer (COO).
Work Place: Head Office
Number of employee required: 01(One)
Second Degree/First Degree in Supplies Management or Related field of study From recognized university.
6/8 Years relevant experience; out of which 3 year in the same position.
Submit your non-returnable application letters and copies of supporting documents with its original in person at Abbahawa Trading PLC, corporate HR Department located on the road from Haile Garment Square to Lebu mebrat or via email: For More Information contact Tel. +251114711575
Fields Of Study
Logistics and Supply Chain Management