Job Expired
Project HOPE - The People-to-People Health Foundation Inc.
Social Science
5 years
Job Description
Job Description
Terms of Reference (TOR)
I. Background
Project HOPE-The People to People Health Foundation Inc, Ethiopia has been implementing a five years USAID funded Community HIV Care and Treatment (CHCT) Activity since July 2017. The activity aims to achieve three major results: Result 1: Community health and support systems for service delivery strengthened; Result 2: Organizational and technical capacity of community structures strengthened; and Result 3: Data collection and use for learning and program improvement strengthened. The overall Strategic Objective the activity is to accelerate and sustain HIV and AIDS epidemic control in Ethiopia through delivery of high impact community based HIV services. Currently, the implementation covers PEPFAR priority Woredas and Towns in Addis Ababa, Gambella, Amhara and Oromia regions.
The CHCT activity is designed to expand access to comprehensive HIV prevention, care and treatment services by reinforcing the role of Health Extension Workers (HEWs) and communities in the delivery of comprehensive clinical and non-clinical community HIV prevention, care and treatment services. The priority population targeted are peoples living with HIV (PLHIV) and their families. In this regard, Project HOPE is currently working with Six (6) local implementing partners/LIPs (11 in the previous years) for services delivery at community level.
Result 2 of the CHCT activity, as highlighted above, is focusing on strengthening organizational and technical capacity of the local implementing partners (LIPs) and local community structures to improve their capacity to efficiently and effective deliver comprehensive and quality services delivery at community level. During year 1 implementation period, all the LIPs have conducted (administered) organizational and technical capacity assessment (OTCA) through a self-assessment approach and identified gaps and areas for improvement. Based on this, the LIPs had developed tailored action plans with a primary objective to address the gaps systematically and increase the technical and organizational competency in effectively and efficiently running programs/projects for intended outcomes; and delivering high standard quality of services to target beneficiaries.
As such, the findings were analyzed by respective domain areas whereby LIPs are now considering them in their SP revisions, CB annual plan of operations and in their applications for funding opportunities. Some of the key findings highlighted for this consultancy service, as highlighted by most LIPs, include but not limited to WEAK GOVERNANCE SYSTEM, POOR COMMUNICATION STRATEGY and LACK OF SOUND PROGRAM MANAGEMENT PRACTICES. These are among the other critical findings.
Therefore, Project HOPE Ethiopia is soliciting for a competent local consultant (firm or individual) with an extensive hands on experience in designing comprehensive training materials on the above subject matter and delivering of the training for local implementing partners (LIPs) and other stakeholders (to be identified by Project HOPE).
II. Objectives
The objectives of this assignment is to design training materials on the following three areas: Good governance system, effective communication system and sound program/project management followed by a 5 days comprehensive training for LIPs and selected stakeholders.
The specific objectives include:
F To improve LIPs and stakeholders’ capacity on how to create good governance that is participatory, accountable, transparent, responsive, effective and efficient, equitable and inclusive and follows the rule of law;
F To improve LIPs and stakeholders’ capacity on essentials of effective communication and effective communication system for sound business management (operation);
F To improve LIPs and stakeholders’ knowledge and skills, tools and techniques needed to achieve program objectives and requirements.
III. Scope of Work
The scope of the assignment include the following tasks:
F Undertake desk review of existing documents related to the above three topics (governance, communication and program management, particularly in CSOs sector;
F Conduct mini-assessment for all LIPs to confirm whether the above topics are currently critical for them. This is also to verify whether the previous OTCA findings have been changed or still prevalent. The consultant will review previous OTCA report and develop simple checklist focusing on the three domains: governance, communication and program management;
F Produce inception report covering the outcome of desk review and mini-assessment based on which the consulting firm will develop comprehensive training materials (covering the three topics);
F Plan and provide a five (5) days comprehensive training for LIPs (Directors, Board Chairs) and representative from relevant stakeholders; also provide training report that include pre and post training assessment outcomes;
F Develop relevant tools (such as program management tools) to be validated and used as part of the comprehensive training documents;
IV. Deliverables
@ Inception report also covering the outcome of the desk review and mini-assessment findings;
@ Develop comprehensive training materials (three independent materials: Good Governance; Essentials of Communication and How to Develop Effective and Efficient Communication; and 3rdly, Sound Program Management Practices;
@ Facilitate a five (5) days hands on training for LIPs management and representatives of selected stakeholders;
@ Provide summary accomplishment report after the completion of the training;
V. Duration
The duration of this short-term consultancy service will be 40 calendar days commencing the date of signature of the contract agreement. However, the consultant is also expected to come up with a more realistic plan (timeframe) to complete the above assignments. Yet, we would like to propose the timeline as follows:
Activity | # of Days |
Desk review of secondary materials (strategies, policies, procedures, manuals, protocols, tools, etc | 5 days |
Quick/mini-assessment with all LIPs | 6 days, one day for each LIP |
Prepare inception report (with Project HOPE feedback incorporated) | 6 days |
Develop comprehensive training materials (modules/handouts, presentation slides, group exercises etc); all Project HOPE feedback incorporated | 15 days |
Delivery of comprehensive hands on training to LIPs management and selected stakeholders | 5 days
Prepare and submit brief accomplishment report | 3 days |
VI. Payment Conditions
Payment will be made to the consultant upon successful completion and submission of the deliverables indicated above. Payments will be made in three schedules (rounds) as follows:-
¨ Installment 1 (initial): Upon submission of a detailed inception report and approval by Project HOPE (20%);
¨ Installment 2: Upon submission of all training materials (including handouts, presentation slides, tools) and approval by Project HOPE (40%);
¨ Installment 3 (final): After delivering the 5 days comprehensive training and submission of summary of accomplishment report (40%);
(Note: All payments are subjected to the Tax regulations of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia/FDRE).
VII. Reporting
The consultant will be directly supervised by and will be reporting to the Capacity Development Manager of CHCT Activity. The consultant is expected to provide regular updates on weekly basis until the full assignment is completed.
Job Requirements
VIII. Application and Requirements
a. Qualification and Experience
Ø The consultant should have high-level technical/professional expertise and proven experiences in developing/preparing training materials (handouts/modules) particularly on the above specific topics. Applicants should have a strong prior experience performing similar activity for International NGOs.
Ø The consultant should also demonstrate its experience in delivering capacity building trainings to local CSOs in Ethiopia.
Ø At least five years experience in the development sector, preferably in program management, Strategic Planning, material development, communication strategy development, leadership skills trainings and related.
IX. Application
Interested applicants should submit their technical and financial proposals with an application letter, brief CV and relevant credentials.
Contents of the technical proposal should include: Introduction, Understanding of the TOR, Objectives of the assignment, Methodology, Deliverables, Proposed contents of the training materials, Company/individual profile, Proposed team composition for the assignment and their CVs.
The financial proposal should be submitted in a separate sealed envelope and needs to be presented in a tabular format, including detailed presentation of major cost items, unit of measurement, quantity, unit cost, total cost and remarks.
[Note: Training will probably be outside of Addis Ababa. Project HOPE will cover participant and hotel related expenses. The consultant is expected to arrange own logistics and be responsible for own per diem and hotel related expenses].
Interested applicants should submit their application to Project HOPE HRD on or before February 7, 2020 before 5:00 pm. It should be hand deliver and no online applications are accepted.
X. Evaluation Criteria
R Understanding the TOR and Scope of Work (SOW) – 10%
R Qualification and relevant experience in training material development in the areas specified - 40%
R Sound experience of performing capacity building trainings for Local and International NGOs in similar work – 20%
R Financial feasibility – 30%
XI. Disclaimer of Proposal
PHE reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals without assigning any reason whatsoever.
How to Apply
Both the technical and financial proposals MUST be submitted by the latest February 7, 2020, before 5:00 pm to the following address: Project HOPE Ethiopia Office, Bole Sub City, Woreda 03, Behind Bole Medhanealem Church, telephone # +251-116-622123. Questions regarding the TOR can be asked at or